• Austin Tuwiner

    Austin Tuwiner is a growth marketer and main contributor to the Geniuslink blog. When he's not nerding about affiliate marketing, you'll find him scuba diving South Floridas reefs.


Amazon UAE & Amazon Turkey Affiliate Programs – What You Need To Know

  • Austin Tuwiner

    Austin Tuwiner is a growth marketer and main contributor to the Geniuslink blog. When he's not nerding about affiliate marketing, you'll find him scuba diving South Floridas reefs.

Update 05/28/20:We have finally received PA API access for Amazon.ae, which means that we will now automatically localize and affiliate any Amazon links to or from the Amazon United Arab Emirates storefront! 

Amazon continues to push towards global domination and bring its affiliate program along with it.  Recently, Amazon has added affiliate programs for two more storefronts, Amazon.ae and Amazon.com.tr, bringing the total to 15 worldwide!  

The global patchwork of affiliate programs to support Amazon’s regional storefronts now includes three Amazon affiliate programs in North America (Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.com.mx), one in South America (Amazon.com.br), five in Europe (Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.es, Amazon.it), three in Asia (Amazon.co.jp, Amazon.cn, Amazon.in), one in Oceania (Amazon.com.au), and now two in the Middle East (Amazon.ae and Amazon.com.tr).

Amazon.ae – United Arab Emirates

Amazon bought Souq.com in late March of 2017 for $580 million USD.  Souq was considered the leading online retailer across the Gulf and the Middle East and laid claim as the largest e-commerce site in the Arab world.  Souq’s operations include delivering products to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, and Qatar.

In early May of 2019, Souq.com was rebranded as Amazon.ae.  Amazon also rolled out their trademark affiliate program – Amazon Associates.  This is the quickest deployment of an affiliate program for a new storefront, as far as we know.    

Publishers can apply for the program in English(!) and it follows the same questions and process as any of the other international Amazon affiliate programs.

Unfortunately, commission payout for this program will be a bit challenging for international publishers.  At the moment, it appears they are only paying out commissions via direct deposit to a bank located in the UAE that are able to accept payment in UAE Dirham.  Further, for the time being, it doesn’t appear that using Payoneer will easily solve this issue.

So in summary, you can sign up for the program, but if you live outside the UAE it may be a while before you get to spend any commissions you earn.  

As of May 28th 2020, we now offer full localization and affiliation support for the Amazon United Arab Emirates storefront! 

Amazon.com.tr – Turkey

Amazon quietly launched a storefront to support sales in Turkey mid-September of 2018.  The launch of the local storefront had 15 categories, including books, electronics, and toys.  However, introducing a local marketplace, where Turkish sellers were able to open local merchant’s account, is the more significant accomplishment.  Amazon’s country manager for Turkey stated that 1,000+ local Turkish businesses were helping provide Turkish customers with a selection of millions of products.  

The Amazon.com.tr affiliate program had an even quieter launch and is currently still private.  The Turkish language based affiliate program, labeled as “Gelir Ortaklığı,” which loosely translates to “Income Partnership” or “Revenue Partnership,” states (as per Google Translate):

The Amazon Revenue Partnership website is only available to partners who have signed up for the Amazon Revenue Partnership Program and who have signed the relevant program agreement and their use is subject to the terms of the program contract. This website does not yet accept self-service registration.

While we haven’t (yet) been invited to the Amazon Turkey affiliate program, it does appear that they’ve completed the work necessary to support the program with their Product Advertising API.  This crucial step should make adding support for the Amazon.com.tr storefront and affiliate program relatively easy once access has been provided.

There is an easy solution while we wait for Amazon to open up the Amazon Turkey affiliate program. We encourage our clients with significant clicks coming from Turkey to take advantage of our Advanced links feature to enhance an existing geni.us link for Amazon.  You can quickly add a rule to direct clicks coming from Turkey to the appropriate product on Amazon.com.tr (include your Amazon.com.tr affiliate tracking ID to your link to ensure full credit for your referrals).  

Geniuslink Support

Amazon has recently given us access to their PA API for the Amazon.ae Associates program, which means that we can now automatically localize and affiliate all clicks to or from the United Arab Emirates. 

Once you have signed up for the program, you can easily add your Amazon.ae Associates ID to the affiliate page in your Geniuslink dashboard, and we’ll automatically include your Associates ID on any clicks from the United Arab Emirates.

Additionally, we have also just released localization support for for Amazon.ae, to ensure that any of your customers clicking from the United Arab Emirates are sent to the correct product in their local storefront.

This means that your customers will get the best experience possible, and you will earn the affiliate commissions you deserve for any purchases that are made!

You can also now create links inside of your Geniuslink Dashboard directly from the Amazon.ae storefront, and we will ensure that those too are properly localized to any of the other Amazon storefronts.

As for Turkey, while we are very eager to fully support the new Amazon.com.tr affiliate program, we are currently unable to due to the technical limitations (no PA API access and Amazon.com.tr’s affiliate program being private).

 To our knowledge, no other link localization tools currently provide support for these programs, including Amazon’s OneLink. In the past six years, we’ve had a perfect score for being the first link localization tool among our peers to support new Amazon affiliate programs, and we aim to keep that record!  

Other Regions / Affiliate Programs

The Netherlands

Amazon has had a storefront for The Netherlands since November of 2014. However, they have only recently (March 10th, 2020) rolled out affiliate support, as well as a public PA API, which means that you can now localize and affiliate your Amazon.nl traffic! 


Recently it is said to be that Amazon is working on building a digital storefront for Israel.  While typically the launch of a storefront precedes the rollout of a local affiliate program by at least a few months the recent rebrand of Souq.com to Amazon.ae AND the deployment of the affiliate program at the same time may be showing us that Amazon considers its affiliate program as an essential piece of it’s go to market strategy for their continued push for global dominance.  


Amazon’s continued expansion and the addition of new affiliate programs provide a great opportunity to further capitalize on your already existing audience.

Now that Amazon has released a public endpoint for their PA API for Amazon.ae you can now ensure that your customers are routed to the correct storefront, and that you earn the commissions you deserve – although as discussed above this may be difficult at the moment.

Additionally, as soon as Amazon opens up their affiliate program for Amazon Turkey, Geniuslink will ready to add full support!

Due to the dynamic nature of our service, this means that as soon as our updates are live, all your links will start supporting clicks local to those regions, via our patented link translation algorithms, to provide a better buying experience.

All you’ll need to do is add your affiliate tracking IDs to your Geniuslink account to start earning commissions.


  • Austin Tuwiner

    Austin Tuwiner is a growth marketer and main contributor to the Geniuslink blog. When he's not nerding about affiliate marketing, you'll find him scuba diving South Floridas reefs.


  • Austin Tuwiner

    Austin Tuwiner is a growth marketer and main contributor to the Geniuslink blog. When he's not nerding about affiliate marketing, you'll find him scuba diving South Floridas reefs.

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